The Clinical Significance of BioBran in the Immunotherapy for Cancer
- Yasushi Okamura
- (edited by Chris Gutch PhD.)
- 2004
The clinical treatments for cancer were surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy with anticancer drugs. For surgery, even if the procedure used is highly sophisticated, cancer cells may be transported to other organs via the vascular or lymph system. For radiotherapy, although it destroys cancer tissues it may also damage the surrounding functioning tissues. Anticancer drugs may destroy cancer cells as well as normally functioning cells of other organs.
Consequently, these drawbacks of the three types of treatments must be recognized when addressing cancer patients. This is where immunotherapy counts. The author has been working with immunotherapy for 25 years, and this time chose combination therapy with BioBran (rice bran arabinoxylan derivative), and BRP (Bio-Reproducing Protein) intravenously.
Case 1. K. M. 67-year-old, M. Liver cancer with intestinal metastasis
Case 2. M. O. 65-year-old, M. Liver cancer
Case 3. F. M. 71-year-old, F. Liver cancer
Case 4. H. H. 76-year-old, F. Lung cancer
Case 5. T. O. 58-year-old, M. Colorectal cancer with liver metastasis
Above five cases, blood samples were taken once a month to measure tumor markers and immunopotency, and the results were compared with the change in clinical conditions. As a result, improvements were noted in all the cases.